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Videos, Anleitungen und mehr

Damit du noch mehr Spaß mit deinen Millenium Instrumenten hast, findest du auf dieser Seite viele spannende Videos. Dazu gehören Tutorials, die dir Schritt für Schritt erklären, wie du die Einzelteile deines neuen Millenium Schlagzeugs zusammen bauen musst und wie du deine Trommeln und Becken optimal positionierst. Für eine ordentliche Portion Motivation und Inspiration sorgen unsere Performance Videos mit aufstrebenden Drummer*innen.

Sound Check

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Sound Check | MPS-1000

Want to take a closer look at our MPS-1000? Here’s what we have for you today… So, if you’ve ever wondered what’s behind this little gem, listen up! Enjoy!

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Soundcheck | MPS-750X Pro

Our MPS-750X PRO Set is designed to appeal to purists and techies alike. Inspired by the look of acoustic drums, the set features exquisite sparkling black wooden shells…

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Soundcheck | NonaPad | Tribal Kit

Check out this awesome soundcheck video for the Millenium Drums NonaPad and hear the awesome samples Included!

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Sound Check | MPS-1000 | Ballad

Check out this Sound check video for the MPS-1000 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | MPS-850 | 808

Check out this Soundcheck video for the MPS-850 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | MPS-750X | Standard

Check out this Soundcheck video for the MPS-750X and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | MPS-450 | Acoustic 1

Check out this Soundcheck video for the MPS-450 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | MPS-150 | 808

Check out this Soundcheck video for the MPS-150 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | HD-120

Check out this Soundcheck video for the HD-120 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | HD-50

Check out this Soundcheck video for the HD-50 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.

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Sound Check | MD-90

Check out this Soundcheck video for the MD-90 and hear the awesome samples included with the kit.


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Set-up | MPS-1000 | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-1000 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MPS-850 | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-850 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MPS-750X | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-750X set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MPS-450 | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-450 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MPS-150X | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-150X set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MPS-150 | Millenium Drums

Millenium MPS-150 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | HD-120 | Millenium Drums

Millenium HD-120 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | MD-90 | Millenium Drums

Millenium MD-90 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

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Set-up | HD-50 | Millenium Drums

Millenium HD-50 set up video, a detailed view of how to get from opening the box to playing your brand new E-drum kit!

MPS-1000 – Best of both worlds

Electronic drums. Acoustic design.

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